Melbourne's PhotoMarathon 2017
April 30, 2017
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I had a lot of fun participating in Melbourne's Photo Marathon last year. It wasn't difficult to sign up for another one this year. The challenge is to take 9 pictures of 9 topics in 9 hours. The rules are no post production; photos must be taken on the same day, in the sequence which the topics released during the day. There's no drama like 'battery ran out' like last year. However, it was challenging to shoot the topics given, and I was not entirely happy with the shots. Some participants I spoke to were having issues find new ideas of the previous topic while shooting another topic. I was having some mental block a few times. Here are the 9 topics:
Here are the photos I took:
The exhibition of all the participants photos will be held on 13 May 2017 for 2 weeks at Magnet Gallery. Hughe thank you to the organisers this year again.
Canon EOS-7D,
EF-50mm f/1.4 USM,
EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 USM,
Photo marathon,
street photography
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